
Sundays || 9:30am || 921 Sir Francis Drake Blvd, San Anselmo

Directions and Parking

We welcome guests and those in need to use our parking lot. We encourage our members and regular attendees to park across Sir Francis Drake Blvd. at the Red Hill Shopping Center. For more details and options, please refer to the maps below.

What to Expect

  No matter where you find yourself - whether skeptical, curious, or committed to Christianity - you are welcome at Grace Church of Marin!

We believe that God is worthy of our worship, that he is present with us when we worship, and that in worship God works to shape us more and more to be like him. We invite you to join us! 


You will find a variety of dress styles when visiting our church. We invite you to come as you are.  

Our worship services are ordered after the Gospel story. A typical service includes singing, prayer, confession, assurance of pardon, the reading and teaching of scripture, an offering and creed, the Lord's Supper, and a benediction. For more info about our worship service see Understanding Worship.

Yes! Intergenerational worship has been at the heart of Christian worship since the beginning. Your children are encouraged to participate and will be greeted at a special welcome table and given a worship folder made especially for them. 
We provide a nursery for young children for the duration of the service. Children older than nursery age are welcome to stay with you in the service for its entirety. However, we offer excellent Sunday school classes weekly for children up through grade 5, and on 1st and 3rd Sundays for middle school students. Our nursery and Sunday school classes are staffed with caring and capable adults so that you can be confident that your child is safe and well cared for. Visit our Grace Kids page for further details about children’s Sunday school.

You are welcome to come be a part of the service at any time! Please know, you may have to park across the street at Red Hill Shopping Center if our parking lot is full.

We invite guests or those who need it to use our parking lot and encourage members and regular attendees to park across Sir Francis Drake Blvd. at the Red Hill Shopping Center. Please see the parking map above for more details and options.  

Wheelchair access is best by using the breezeway entrance on the Sais Ave. side of the building.  

In the day-to-day trenches of adult life, there is actually no such thing as atheism. There is no such thing as not worshipping. Everybody worships. The only choice we get is what to worship.

- David Foster Wallace

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Grace Church of Marin

921 Sir Francis Drake Blvd.,
San Anselmo, CA 94960
121 San Anselmo Ave. #2561,
San Anselmo, CA 94960 

© 2024 Grace Church of Marin