Community Groups

Community Groups are just that...

People within a localized community coming together to dive deeper into the gospel outside of Sunday worship. Community Groups typically gather twice a month to cultivate friendships and life together centered around Jesus Christ through prayer, bible study, fellowship, and a shared meal. All are welcome - individuals, young adults, and families. These are open groups and you are warmly invited.

Sunday Afternoons 

2nd & 4th Sundays, 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. @ Grace Marin

Sunday Evenings

1st & 3rd Sundays, 5:30-7 p.m., locations vary

Additional small groups

Additional groups can be found on our Women's Ministry and Men’s Ministry pages 

Children up to 5th Grade

Grace Kids exists for the Glory of God and the building up of his church. Our role, through the context of the church, is to equip and partner with families to encourage children to live into the hope, security, and joy of being united with Christ. We seek for children to have a joyful and authentic encounter with Jesus and apprentice with him in the “good life” for which we were made. We begin with grace, seek to model grace, and motivate with grace as we encourage children to take their place in the magnificent story of God’s redeeming work. We offer Sunday school during our Worship Service each Sunday (see below for details). 
As a reminder, Grace Marin's Worship Service starts at 9:30 a.m., Sunday school will take place from approximately 10-10:30 a.m. Contact Aubin with any questions or additional information.


Infant - 3 Year Olds

Sunday School

Pre-K - 5th Grade

Child Safeguarding

Policies and Procedures

Grace Students ministry


The Student Ministry of Grace Church of Marin exists to partner with parents in equipping middle and high school students to love and follow Jesus in young adulthood and beyond. 


Our middle school students typically gather for Sunday school the first and third week of every month during the sermon time. Middle school students begin the morning in the worship service and are dismissed midway through the service to go to Sunday school with their teachers. We also host other fun events and opportunities for students throughout the year, and students are always encouraged to invite their friends to anything we do! 

High school students are invited to gather for Dinner and Discussion two Sundays each month to discuss real and thought-provoking questions about Christianity. We also host other fun events and opportunities for students throughout the year, and students are always encouraged to invite their friends to anything we do! 


GATHER students of Marin to taste and see that Jesus is good.  
In a world where none of us have it all together, we want to invite students into grace - undeserved favor from an unobligated giver. We create a space where students can be known, ask hard questions, and encounter the love of Christ in his Word. 

GROW students as they learn to enjoy Jesus.  
In a culture that is searching for the good life, we want to teach students that the good life is found in union with Christ. We facilitate relational discipleship in the church so that students can learn to follow Jesus their whole life long.   

Equip students to GO, sharing the love of Jesus with their world.
In a life reconciled by Christ, we want students to remember who they are and to whom they belong. We challenge them to bear the family resemblance as God’s adopted children and live for the mission of Christ.   

Contact Jeremiah with questions or to get involved! 

women's ministry

At Grace Women, we want you to feel welcomed to come as you are and invited to experience a God who loves you.  

Women’s Weekly Discipleship 

At Grace Marin, we want women to grow in their love for Jesus and His Word. We offer Bible studies and book studies. Wherever you are in your spiritual journey, we would love to have you join us!

Tuesday Evening: Topical Book Study. 6:30-8 p.m.
1st, 3rd, and 5th Tuesdays of the month
Thursday Morning: Bible Study. 9:30-11 a.m.
Friday Morning: Zoom Bible Study: 9:00-11 a.m.

For any questions please contact Madeline.

Women’s Monthly Events

Our rhythm is to gather together the first Saturday of each month (with a break in December/January and the summer) for a time of fellowship, laughter, and good food. The gatherings vary from month to month but include getting together for a fellowship breakfast, going on leisurely hikes throughout Marin County, and doing service projects with local non-profit organizations. 

If you would like to have more information on our upcoming events, contact Madeline.

men's ministry

Grace Church of Marin invites men to grow in friendship with one another and in their calling to follow Christ. 

Weekly Gatherings 

Men's Monday Morning Breakfast
Mondays, 7 a.m. at Depot Garden Cafe
Join us for good food, friendship, and discussion questions from the Sunday sermon. 
Contact: Dan

Men's Psalms Bible Study
Wednesdays, 11 a.m. at Peet's Northgate Mall. 
Join us for coffee and a Bible Study through the Psalms led by Pastor Michael. 
Contact: Michael

Monthly Gatherings

Men's Saturday Breakfast
2nd Saturdays each month, 8-9:30 a.m. at the church. 
Join us for good food, fellowship, and relaxed conversation. 
Contact: Jeremiah

For other men's discipleship opportunities please contact Jeremiah or Michael


Jesus came to serve, not to be served, and so we follow him through service. It's as simple as that! We hope you find a meaningful way to serve with us on Sundays and in our community. 


The church is a family, and there are plenty of chores to do! One of the best ways to plug in at Grace Marin is by letting us put you to work. Find a need that fits who you are and join us! 

We are always in need of teachers and class assistants for our various Grace Kids Sunday school classes. It is one of the highest privileges to participate in Jesus' love and welcome of our little ones. If you have experience in this field or would like to learn more about what it would take to be a Children's Ministry volunteer, please contact Aubin.

Volunteering during Sunday school and at special events provides a wonderful opportunity to build relationships with our students and to remind them that they are a vital part of our church community. An application and screening process is required. If you are interested in participating in Student Ministry, please contact Jeremiah. 

Our Welcome Team executes the privileged task of being the tangible, personal welcome of Christ to everyone who comes through the doors at Grace Marin. Greeting involves handing out worship folders, ushering people to open seats, and being attentive during the entire worship service to direct and help folks as needed. Please contact Tina.

Our teams provide refreshments before and after the worship service on Sunday mornings. This gesture of gracious hospitality is an extension of community and connection that is key to being the welcoming body of Jesus. Team members arrive prior to worship to set up and stay after fellowship time is over to clean up. Please contact Tina.

Do you have experience as a vocalist or an accompanist? Perhaps you have an interest in learning how to operate the sound board, visuals, and livestream during worship services. If you’d like to find out more about one of these teams, please contact our Director of Music, Maryanne


Our Mercy Ministry partners with various organizations in Marin who are engaged in service that reflects God's desires for human flourishing. We work side by side with these organizations to care for youth, foster kids, women and families, immigrants, and those experiencing homelessness and material poverty. Here are some of the groups we work with:

  • Marin Healthy Youth Partnership (addressing youth substance abuse with support and community)
  • Marin Foster Care (supporting foster families as they care for children)
  • Gilead House (providing a home and empowering homeless single moms and their children as they pursue financial stability and self-reliance)
  • Marin Pregnancy Clinic (state-licensed clinic providing prenatal care and guidance)
  • Ritter Center, Homeward Bound, St. Vincent de Paul, SF/Marin Food Bank, Salvation Army (providing shelter/housing, healthcare, and food relief for people experiencing homelessness)

Please contact Matt if you would like more information on serving in one or more of these ministry areas. 


We currently have relationships of mutual encouragement and support with the following organizations (and more):
  • Reformed University Fellowship - college ministries on the campuses of Cal, Stanford, and SJSU  
  • Church Plants and Missions in Tanzania, South Africa, Bangladesh, Vietnam, and beyond! 
  • Mission to North America - especially through the Unity Fund, advancing non-majority culture students and pastors  
  • Bay Area Mission - supporting local church planting around the SF Bay Area  

Please contact Admin for more information on how you can connect with and support these ministries.

Grace Church of Marin

921 Sir Francis Drake Blvd.,
San Anselmo, CA 94960
121 San Anselmo Ave. #2561,
San Anselmo, CA 94960 

© 2024 Grace Church of Marin