understanding Worship

Worship at Grace Marin moves through a specific pattern or rhythm:  
  • God SUMMONS us as his people   
  • God RENEWS & SANCTIFIES us to himself   
  • God SPEAKS to us in his word   
  • God STRENGTHENS us at his table   
  • God SENDS us into the world

God SUMMONS us as his people in our Call to Worship. As we meet together each week, we recognize in the preparation time, that God, through his word and Spirit, gathers us into his presence and calls us into his life and mission. As God begins to speak to us, we then answer responsively with a Psalm or other text drawn from the biblical hymns of God’s people. As God draws us to himself, we thank and praise him in our Prayer of Adoration. We enter his presence with singing and the hearing of his Word. 

God RENEWS & SANCTIFIES us to himself. Throughout Scripture, when people find themselves in God's presence, they sense how far short they fall and become aware of their own shame and brokenness. In the same way, through the Prayer of Confession, we acknowledge our sin, both as a community and also silently as individuals for ourselves and for the world. After our confession, through the Assurance of Pardon, we are reminded that God is always ready, by his mercy and grace, to forgive us. Next, we seek God’s provision in a Prayer of the People and, using the Lord’s Prayer, we offer ourselves in service to his kingdom both now and forever. Then, renewed in our identity, we welcome one another and share the peace of Christ.

God SPEAKS to us in his word, addressing us as his forgiven people. In the public reading of Scripture and its exposition in the Sermon, God shares the story of his saving mission in Jesus, encouraging us to join in that mission and orienting us again to his priorities. With Christians through the centuries, we respond aloud in thanks and praise to God after his word is read to us. Instructed by his word, we offer ourselves to God’s service through our Offering. In the Confession of Faith, we confess his story to be our own story in the creed, which is simply a summary of faith from the early church. 

God STRENGTHENS us at his table. As Communion begins, we lift our hearts to God and give him thanks in the Prayer of Thanksgiving, or Eucharistic Prayer. In the Words of Institution, we affirm that through this meal Jesus gave us, we remember his death and proclaim his new life as the centerpiece of God’s mission. God invites us to his table to feed us with his own life and to strengthen us before sending us out. In communion, he unites us together in Jesus Christ as his reconciled and reconciling people. We respond by receiving the Lord’s Supper, sharing together in the bread and wine, as a communion in the body and blood of Christ given for our salvation.

God SENDS us into the world. At the close of worship, God sends us out to carry forward the gospel story. In our worship, we have responded to God’s call, heard his word, offered ourselves to his service, and received strength at his table. God weaves us together as a new people, oriented to his mission. We recognize and celebrate this in a sending prayer and song. God then grants us his assurance and blessing in the Benediction, based upon scripture and given in his Triune name. Finally, in the dismissal, we respond in thanks and go out in love and peace to serve him in the world, remembering who we are and to whom we belong.

Grace Church of Marin

921 Sir Francis Drake Blvd.,
San Anselmo, CA 94960
121 San Anselmo Ave. #2561,
San Anselmo, CA 94960 

© 2024 Grace Church of Marin